Part of the Show 5014 / 4010 / 9011 at ASPN, Leipzig // 2020
together with Adrian Sauer and Benedikt Leonhardt
Intertwined Conditions (I)
modular group of works, mixed media / 2020 ongoing
5 Cluster (condensed image fragments, mixed media)
18 Extracts (water tanks with extracted ink from printed matter)
4 videoclips (Full HD, colour, loop, sound)
5 oxygen tubes, 1 transfer print on wall
5 painted chipboards, 75 scaffold modules
UPATEOA_hybrid (Pi-Petting_6286)(videostill)
videoclip Full HD, colour, loop, sound / 0:12 min / 2020
UPATEOA_hybrid (Between Red and Blue)
hybrid transfer print on wall / 145 x 145 cm / 2020
UPATEOA_hybrid (Pi-petting_2691)(videostill)
installation / wire, painted chipboard, videoclip Full HD, colour, loop, sound / 0:43 min / 2020
photocredits: 1-3, 6-7, 9 Stefan Fischer / 4-5, 8 Katarína Dubovská